USA: 5G and interference with flight instruments
Antennas installed near the runways have alerted some airlines who have decided to suspend certain flights departing from and arriving at certain US airports.
Let's go deeper into the topic:
Telephone companies such as A&T and Verizon have postponed the entry into operation of the 5G network in the vicinity of some areas subject to airport attention since some airlines have raised questions about possible interference between the fifth generation network, which operates on frequencies called "C-band", and the on-board instrumentation (which operates on different frequencies but in the USA are close to those used for 5G), in particular with the radio altimeters necessary for maneuvers such as landing with poor visibility or at night.
After reading several articles published in recent days regarding the issue, we have decided to select and share with you what we believe has been best written:
As in many articles concerning aviation, communication is often made a little confusing and in this case there are many articles that confuse radio altimeters with radio aids, that praise the catastrophe or that on the contrary say that hundreds of flights, all things that are not true and that only create alarmism in a world that has the need to always have a "big problem to solve".
Surely the question in the USA is open and will have to be managed given the anomalies found by the FAA which has found and listed the "areas of attention" concerning 50 airports which include major airports including New York, Miami, Los Angeles ...
And in Europe?
For the moment this issue does not concern Europe which has previously regulated the use of frequencies to protect the aeronautical world, delimiting the 5G frequencies between 3.4 and 3.8 GHz with a good delta compared to the frequencies used. from radio altimeters.
Do you want to learn more?
Read here the article we have selected: QUOTIDIANO.NET - USA E IL 5G
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