It all starts by totally mistaking the "label" given to these companies: Ryan Air and Easy Jet par excellence and even earlier South West in the...
USA: 5G and interference with flight instruments
Antennas installed near the runways have alerted some airlines who have decided to suspend certain flights departing from and arriving at certain...
The first flight Turin - Catania
Imagine being able to fly from Italy, over Italy with the state company. Here is what happened for the first time in 1947, exactly on May...
Check Before Flight has taken off! We are online with this new platform which aims to be the connection point between those who want to approach...
What's your favourite colour? No, the color of the fuselage of airliners is not a pleasure choice dictated by the company's CEO but has...
What are the smoke bombs used by airplanes made of? A question of chemistry but not only! A BIT OF HISTORY Yes, it's true, in the past...
Many pilots and student pilots who often do not know much about accounts, ask themselves during the training course why an hour of flight costs so...
The costs of a flight school pt.2
After the general introduction on the costs that a flight school has to bear (you can read the article here | The costs of a flight school),...
Pilot, co-pilot, commander .. in the aeronautical world, ranks make the difference. What is the difference actually between degrees,...
Safety in an aeronautical organization is a sine qua non. If there is no safety, there can be no flight operations. This is clear and leaves no...
In our humble opinion - Spotter, why?
Why did we decide to give a lot of space on our platform to aeronautical spotters? Because they are an important part of aviation, in terms of...
In our humble opinion - KSA100
What is this new aeronautical subject that we hear so much in this period in training circles? It sounds like a Russian secret code but it actually...
In our humble opinion - We must be frank
"We must be frank" is the phrase that I like most of the speeches of our italian Premier Draghi. He is the first in the history of...
How to fly an helicopter on Mars
The aircraft’s composites manufacturer and aeromechanical engineer share how they overcame the odds Three of the great minds that...
Electric propulsion in commercial aviation
The introduction to electric airplanes means a great challenge in commercial aviation The biggest challenge is the low energy density...
Record for business aviation in EU and USA
Record-breaking July for bizav in Europe and the United States According to WINGX`s weekly Global Market Tracker in the last days of July...
How do airlines ensure jet safety?
To assure passenger safety, airlines across the globe are required to complete a constant and effective inspection and maintenance program for its...