

General informations


You can find freely content visible to all and others in which we ask you to register in order to view them!

They are all contents written by us at Check Before Flight and proven by years of experience in the field! They are therefore all contents that we keep up to date, always trying to give you the latest information also regarding laws and regulations that may vary.

Check Before Flight is a platform that went online in 2021, today we are two partners "behind the scenes": Eleonora Libera and Luca Nabacino.

To find out more, visit ABOUT!


Write us at info@checkbeforeflight.com with the features you are looking for for your future training and we will give you as much information as possible.

Start looking at the contents in the Aviation Compass item to get an idea about the world of aeronautical training and understand what your path could be!

Write to info@checkbeforeflight.com to get to know us and understand if our contents could also be useful to your Academy to give a first set of information to your future students!